
1. 不批评、攻击他人的信仰和信念,因为这是破坏性的。切记:天使恒常护持,邪灵耽于攻击。
Do not criticize and attack the beliefs and convictions of others, as this is destructive. Remember: Angels are constantly protecting, Devils keep attacking.
2. 不争论。争论会强化以自我为主导的心性,使对方的信仰和信念更加固定和僵化。
Do not argue. Arguing reinforces a self-directed mind and makes the other person’s beliefs and convictions more fixed and rigid.
3. 不自大。新教会之人切不可唯我独尊,蔑视或逼迫他国、他族、他人。要谦卑自省,诚恳悔改。上帝为了天堂的荣盛而平等造人;人有同等自由认识上帝、认识自己、选择永恒的归宿。
Don’t be arrogant. The people of the New Church must not be exclusive, despising or persecuting other nations, other peoples, other individuals. Be humble and introspective, and repent sincerely. God created man equally for the glory of heaven; man has equal freedom to know God, to know himself, and to choose his eternal home.
4. 务必根据圣经和史威登堡的属天教义,明白自己的信仰和信念。不要勉强以自己的教义说服人。至于别人是否怀有兴趣、愿意追求、或仅持好奇之心,则交由主来决定。
Be sure to understand your beliefs and convictions in light of the Bible and Swedenborg’s heavenly doctrine. Don’t be pushy in persuading people by your own doctrine. It is up to the Lord to decide whether others are interested, willing to pursue, or simply curious.
5. 切记那些和我们持不同信仰和信念的人,主也一直与之相伴同行。也许对他们而言,当下的信仰和信念是最适合他们的。
Remember the Lord is always with those who have different beliefs and convictions from ours. Perhaps their present beliefs and convictions are best for them.
6. 按照属天教义的教导,学习有效地沟通,分享从主而来的喜乐、平安和生命的意义。学习解释属天教义的重要性,及其如何帮助我们认识圣经,学习主的教导风格—简单明了。
Learn to communicate effectively and share the joy, peace, and meaning of life that comes from the Lord, according to the teachings of heavenly doctrine. Learn to explain the importance of heavenly doctrine and how it helps us understand the Bible and learn the Lord’s teaching style – plain and simple.
7. 避免强导话题。如果能与真正感兴趣的人进行轻松讨论,则尽量发现 “共同点”,即你们能达成共识,并有益灵性的事情。 避免滔滔不绝式讲述。只有在被问到更多问题,并且明白询问者出于真诚、确实感兴趣时,才继续讲述。
Avoid to dominate topic. Try to find “common ground” if you can have a relaxed discussion with people who are genuinely interested, i.e., things that you can agree on and are spiritually beneficial. Avoid gabbling. Only continue to tell when more questions are asked and it is understood that the inquirer is sincere and genuinely interested.
8. 要善于倾听。要保持温和有礼的态度和言谈。仔细观察对方的状态,以谦虚的心态,以听为主,80%的时间都要听。如果你在祷告中关怀对方,把主对所有人的爱记在心里,你就能做到这一点。
Be a good listener. Be gentle and courteous in your manner and speech. Observe the other person’s state of mind with humility and listen 80% of the time. You can do this if you care for each other in prayer and keep the Lord’s love for all people in your heart.
9. 永远不要否定使徒保罗或他的书信。其中有很多内容与史威登堡著作中的教导是相互支持,彼此印证的。
Never deny the Apostle Paul or his epistles. Much of it is mutually supportive and corroborates the teachings of Swedenborg’s writings.
10. 要始终坚信,新教会毫无疑问是基督的教会。因为复活的主耶稣基督是我们所有敬拜与爱的焦点和核心,爱邻舍是我们努力追求的行为。史威登堡教导说,耶稣基督是上帝的可见 形象,天地间的独一真神。
Always be convinced that the New Church is unquestionably the Church of Christ. Because the risen Lord Jesus Christ is the focus and center of all our worship and love, loving our neighbour is an act we strive for. Swedenborg taught that Jesus Christ is the visible image of God, the one true God in heaven and earth.
11. 新教会无意招募人“皈依”教会组织,却更专注于分享属天教义中的属灵宝藏,以有益于人们的灵性旅程。
The new church has no intention of recruiting people to “convert” to church organizations, but is more focused on sharing the spiritual treasures of heavenly doctrine for the benefit of people on their spiritual journey.
12. 戒除邪恶是接收、汲取来自主之仁爱的前提与必需条件,应努力使爱主爱人的属天教义扎根内心,显于言行。
The abstinence from evil is a prerequisite and necessary condition for receiving and drawing the love of the Lord, and efforts should be made to make the heavenly doctrine of love of the Lord and love of people take root in the heart and appear in talk and deed.