Title | URL: YouTube / Baidu |
Overcoming Spiritual Deafness | https://youtu.be/s78sixnj4lE |
20250302 | https://pan.baidu.com/s/1QDlA3YVmq-Evjds-_W8wWQ?pwd=b68m 提取码: b68m |
Abiding in the Vine: Reliability | https://youtu.be/ZAJcnp5SNwA |
20250216 | https://pan.baidu.com/s/1NE3SzR4-svbLQ1nZygq9-Q?pwd=ht5k 提取码: ht5k |
Sacared Circle: The Lost Sheep | https://youtu.be/Fmumbn8iIYk |
20250209 | https://pan.baidu.com/s/1To2dbi-wFQD_6Sq6lyr5Ug?pwd=ugs9 提取码: ugs9 |
Dealing with Unclean Spirits | https://youtu.be/6D1fvxpUNV4 |
20250202 | https://pan.baidu.com/s/1zpf9xxx-KUt5f-Qlvv6wOQ?pwd=dwpq 提取码: dwpq |
Abiding In the Vine: Gratitude | https://youtu.be/Jxo0qQjfP4U |
20250119 | https://pan.baidu.com/s/1JnL2t2euKzGdbT702bJwiQ?pwd=tkah 提取码: tkah |